YGOS Woodlands Center
Enriching Crossroads, Empowering Youths
How do we engage and attract youths to a safe and enriching space? The Organisation desired a new youth and social space where various post-school activities can be held as well as private counselling areas for at-risk groups.
The concept thus was to link the entire length of the centre, providing a visual connection between the office and youth hall. Open planning goes hand in hand with movable furniture, allowing multiple programs to be held by deploying in various layouts. The furniture empowers youths to facilitate their own space and activities if need be. These crossroads become the hub area where activities are held and allow for supervision from the staff in the office, while the deeper areas serve as dedicated rooms for gaming sessions or tuition classes.
The Staff area has been revamped into an open seating area, with the conference table doubling as both a meeting room and a dining room. The activities of both the staff and youth are thus linked in this hall, strengthening the relationship between them.
In Collaboration with Dominic Chia
Project Year // 2022